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Boston Dynamics Expands Collaboration with NVIDIA to Accelerate AI Capabilities in Humanoid Robots

Boston Dynamics and NVIDIA are expanding their collaboration to enhance AI capabilities in humanoid robots, with Atlas leveraging NVIDIA Jetson Thor and Isaac Lab for advanced learning and performance.



Atlas Leads Humanoid Industry with NVIDIA Jetson Thor Computing Platform
Gains New Skills Through NVIDIA Isaac Lab

보스턴다이나믹스 아틀라스 로봇
atlas humanoid Robot (image. boston dynamics)

Boston Dynamics, the global leader in mobile robotics, has expanded its collaboration with NVIDIA to build the next generation of AI capabilities for humanoid robots. As an early adopter of the NVIDIA Isaac GR00T platform, Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot is leading the development of humanoids using the NVIDIA Jetson Thor computing platform.

The compact size, high performance, and efficiency of Jetson Thor enable Atlas to run complex, multimodal AI models that work seamlessly with Boston Dynamics’ whole-body and manipulation controllers. Developers at Boston Dynamics and its research partners are also making rapid breakthroughs in learned dexterity and locomotion AI policies using Isaac Lab, an open-source, modular framework for robot learning in physically accurate virtual environments, built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim and NVIDIA Omniverse technologies. The two companies are collaborating to define key platform parameters, including functional safety and security architectures, as well as key learning and computer vision pipelines using NVIDIA’s training and simulation platforms.

“Robots are the bridge between simulation and the real world,” said Aaron Saunders, Chief Technology Officer at Boston Dynamics. “With the current generation of our electric Atlas, we are building the world’s most capable humanoid, and collaborating with NVIDIA to integrate Jetson Thor means the robot now has the highest-performance compute platform behind it. Isaac Lab is allowing us to develop state-of-the-art AI capabilities, and the early results are exciting.”

In addition to the ongoing work on Atlas, Boston Dynamics has continued introducing new AI capabilities for Spot, its flagship quadruped robot, and Orbit, its robot fleet management and data analysis software. New reinforcement learning (RL) tools are improving the robot’s locomotion control, and advanced foundation models are helping the robot avoid specific kinds of hazards that might appear in its path.

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