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AI and 5G Ignite the Future: GSMA MWC25 Barcelona Unveils the Blueprint for an $11 Trillion Connected World

GSMA MWC25 Barcelona brings together global leaders and industries to explore the transformative power of AI and 5G, unveiling a connected future poised to unlock $11 trillion in economic value by 2030.



Global Leaders and Diverse Industries Converge to Explore Breakthroughs in Connectivity, Digital Transformation, and Enterprise Mobility

(image. GSMA)

The GSMA MWC25 Barcelona, the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event, has officially opened its doors, bringing together global leaders, visionaries, and innovators to discuss the future of connectivity. With an expected economic value of nearly $11 trillion by 2030, the event is spotlighting key themes such as the transformative role of 5G, the convergence of AI and advanced connectivity, and the push for sustainability.

In his opening keynote, GSMA Director General Mats Granryd emphasized the industry’s critical need to transition to 5G Standalone, harness AI, and leverage Open Gateway APIs to drive growth. He also highlighted the urgency of securing future spectrum access and addressing the global mobile usage gap, which, if closed, could unlock a $3.5 trillion economic opportunity. Currently, 3.1 billion people covered by mobile networks are not using mobile internet.

Granryd stated, “Our industry connects nearly six billion people and powers economies worldwide. At MWC, over 50% of attendees come from outside the mobile ecosystem, signaling the vast opportunities our networks create. This week will showcase how 5G, AI, and other technologies can unlock new markets, drive innovation, and shape the future of the global digital economy.”

Mobile added $6.5 trillion of economic value to the economy in 2024
Mobile added $6.5 trillion of economic value to the economy in 2024 (GSMA)
Mobile’s economic contribution will reach nearly $11 trillion by 2030
Mobile’s economic contribution will reach nearly $11 trillion by 2030 (GSMA)

Mobile Economy Report 2025: Trillions in Growth and Innovation

Coinciding with MWC25, the GSMA released its annual Mobile Economy Report 2025, outlining key trends shaping the mobile economy. Key findings include:

  • Mobile technologies and services contributed 5.8% of global GDP in 2024, equivalent to $6.5 trillion in economic value.
  • By 2030, this figure is projected to rise to nearly $11 trillion, or 8.4% of GDP, driven by advancements in 5G, IoT, and AI.
  • Vertical sectors such as manufacturing (25%), accommodation and food services (17%), and public administration (14%) are expected to benefit significantly between 2024 and 2030.
  • 5G connections surpassed two billion in 2024 and will account for 57% of total mobile connections by 2030, overtaking 4G adoption by 2028.
  • 5G Standalone is projected to drive 70% of all enterprise revenue expansion through 2030, representing a $127 billion opportunity.

The GSMA Open Gateway initiative, supported by 72 operator groups covering nearly 80% of global mobile connections, is accelerating this growth by exposing new 5G capabilities through open network APIs. Leading automotive and aviation organizations, including the 5G Automotive Association and Seamless Air Alliance, have also pledged their support.

A Global Platform for Innovation

MWC25 features an eclectic mix of keynote speakers, sessions, and summits, creating a unique space for collaboration among thought leaders, startups, and policymakers. The event’s keynotes are being live-streamed on the MWC25 website and app, as well as on Mobile World Live, with select sessions available on demand.

MWC25 continues through 6 March 2025, offering a unparalleled opportunity to explore the latest breakthroughs in connectivity, digital transformation, and enterprise mobility.

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