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TE Connectivity’s Next Generation AMP+ Charging Inlets



Enabling faster and more convenient charging

The next generation of electric mobility will be characterized by faster, more convenient methods of charging. To meet these demands, TE Connectivity (TE) is introducing its next generation AMP+ Charging Inlets for electric and hybrid vehicles.


Next Generation AMP+ Charging Inlets

The AMP+ Charging Inlets are scalable to fit the many various electrical architectures inside the vehicle and are suitable for fully electric and hybrid automotive or commercial vehicles. Capable of handling AC currents up to 32 A and DC currents up to 200 A, TE’s next generation AMP+ charging inlets offer high levels of:

Mounting Flexibility & Integration: Modular platform-based system allows inlets to be easily integrated in many various vehicles
High & Smart Performance: Exceeds standards for water protection up to IP67 for cable exit and features integrated temperature sensors
Customization: Several customized features available on request, such as flap, 90-degree or 180-degree exit
Touch Safety: Meets IPXXB standards

“Combining ease-of-use and high performance, as well as optimized designs for flexible integration, we believe our AMP+ Charging Inlets are a key enabler of consumer acceptance as well as efficient manufacture of electric and hybrid vehicles,” said Alberto Alamo Alonso, manager product management, Charging Inlets at TE.

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모빌리티타임즈 (Mobility Times) | 등록번호: 서울 아04965 | 등록일: 2018년 2월 9일 | 사업자등록번호: 206-11-69466 | 발행처: 아이씨엔
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