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Sony Honda Mobility Partners with MOTER Technologies to Launch Innovative Insurance Solutions for AFEELA Vehicles

SHMA announced a partnership with MOTER Technologies to develop automotive insurance plans and services for AFEELA vehicles



Collaboration Aims to Provide Seamless and Integrated Insurance Experience for U.S. Customers

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Sony Honda Mobility Partners with MOTER for AFEELA in U.S. (image. SHMA)

Sony Honda Mobility of America Inc. (SHMA) announced a strategic partnership with MOTER Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of edge computing data science software for automotive insurance. This collaboration aims to develop specialized automotive insurance plans and services for AFEELA vehicles in the United States. By leveraging MOTER’s advanced data analytics capabilities, SHMA seeks to offer AFEELA customers a seamless and integrated insurance experience from the moment they decide on their new vehicle.

Under this partnership, SHMA will integrate MOTER’s software platform into the AFEELA purchase process, providing transparent access to insurance coverage and enhancing the overall customer experience. Kenji Fujii, CEO and Co-Founder of MOTER Technologies, expressed excitement about the collaboration, highlighting the potential to deliver innovative insurance solutions directly into the vehicle sales process.

Shugo Yamaguchi, President and CEO of SHMA, emphasized confidence in MOTER’s expertise and the importance of creating modern insurance products tailored for AFEELA vehicles. This partnership reflects Sony Honda Mobility’s commitment to transforming the mobility experience through advanced technology and comprehensive customer solutions.

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