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Texas Instruments Unveils New AI-Enabled Radar Sensors and Audio Processors at CES 2025

Texas Instruments (TI) introduced innovative automotive chips designed to elevate driving experiences across all vehicle types



TI’s Cutting-Edge Technologies Enhance In-Cabin Safety and Entertainment
AI-Driven Radar Sensors and Advanced Audio Systems Redefine Driving Experience

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Texas Instruments Unveils New AI-Enabled Radar Sensors and Audio Processors (image. TI)

At CES 2025, Texas Instruments (TI) introduced innovative automotive chips designed to elevate driving experiences across all vehicle types. The newly launched AWRL6844 60GHz mmWave radar sensor supports advanced occupancy monitoring, including seat belt reminders, child presence detection, and intrusion detection, all managed through edge AI algorithms. This single-chip solution enables a safer driving environment by integrating multiple sensing functions, reducing costs by approximately $20 per vehicle.

“Today’s drivers expect any car – entry-level to luxury, combustion to electric – to have enhanced in-cabin experiences,” said Amichai Ron, senior vice president, TI Embedded Processing. “TI continues to provide innovative technologies to enable the future of the automotive driving experience. Our edge AI-enabled radar sensors allow automakers to make vehicles safer and more responsive to the driver, while our audio systems-on-chip elevate the drive through more immersive audio. Together they create a whole new level of in-cabin experiences.”

TI’s AWRL6844 radar sensor incorporates four transmitters and four receivers, delivering high-resolution sensing data at an optimized cost. This data is processed using AI-driven algorithms on a customizable hardware accelerator and DSP, improving decision-making accuracy and reducing processing time. The sensor supports occupant detection with 98% accuracy and monitors unattended children using real-time neural networks, meeting the 2025 European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) design requirements.

In addition to radar sensors, TI introduced new audio processors that bring premium audio features to a broader range of vehicles. The AM275x-Q1 MCUs and AM62D-Q1 processors, featuring TI’s next-generation audio DSP core, enable immersive in-cabin audio experiences. These processors integrate vector-based C7x DSP core, Arm cores, memory, and audio networking into a single SoC, reducing system complexity and cost. The C7x core’s matrix multiply accelerator processes both traditional and AI-based audio algorithms, providing advanced features such as spatial audio and active noise cancellation.

“Dolby’s longtime collaboration with Texas Instruments has enabled incredible audio experiences in the home, which we’re now bringing into the car,” said Andreas Ehret, senior director of Automotive Business at Dolby Laboratories. “With TI’s C7x DSP core, we can now deliver the latest Dolby Atmos capabilities more efficiently, including support for even smaller form factor audio systems so nearly all vehicles can have Dolby Atmos. Together, these products can help turn every car ride into an immersive entertainment experience.”

To further enhance automotive audio designs, TI’s TAS6754-Q1 audio amplifier with 1L modulation technology offers class-leading performance and power efficiency. This innovative amplifier reduces the number of inductors required, simplifying designs and reducing costs while maintaining high audio quality.

TI’s advancements in radar sensors and audio processors demonstrate the company’s commitment to providing innovative technologies that enhance the driving experience. By integrating edge AI and advanced audio systems, TI enables automakers to deliver safer, more immersive in-cabin experiences for drivers and passengers alike.

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