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Sony Honda Mobility to Open AFEELA Studio & Delivery Hubs in California

Sony Honda Mobility(SHMA) has unveiled plans to open the AFEELA Studio & Delivery Hub in Torrance and Fremont, California, in the latter half of 2025



Innovative Spaces in Torrance and Fremont to Showcase AFEELA Vehicles by Late 2025

Rendering of the AFEELA Studio & Delivery Hub
Rendering of the AFEELA Studio & Delivery Hub in Torrance, CA (Expected to Open in the Second Half of 2025).

Sony Honda Mobility of America Inc. (SHMA) has unveiled plans to open the AFEELA Studio & Delivery Hub in Torrance and Fremont, California, in the latter half of 2025. These state-of-the-art hubs will allow visitors to experience AFEELA brand vehicles and interact with advanced technology.

At these new hubs, the AFEELA 1, the brand’s first model, will be prominently displayed. Visitors will have the chance to engage with the vehicle and receive insights from experts familiar with its innovative features. Test drives of the AFEELA 1 will also be available.

Mayor George K. Chen of Torrance expressed enthusiasm for the new facilities, highlighting their contribution to the city’s commitment to innovation and smart mobility. Similarly, SHMA’s President and CEO, Shugo Yamaguchi, emphasized the importance of these hubs in fostering communication and showcasing cutting-edge technology.

The AFEELA Studio & Delivery Hubs reflect SHMA’s dedication to sustainability, incorporating advanced materials and technology in their design. As a forward-thinking Mobility Tech Company, SHMA aims to connect diverse inspirations and achieve advancements in mobility.

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