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ABB Invests in ESS to Enhance Automotive Paint Shop Efficiency and Reduce Emissions

ABB has strategically partnered with Engineering Software Steyr GmbH (ESS) to innovate automotive paint shop operations



ABB has strategically partnered with Engineering Software Steyr GmbH (ESS) to innovate automotive paint shop operations, aiming to cut costs by up to 30% and significantly reduce emissions.

ABB announced a minority investment in the Austrian company ESS, with an aim to develop powerful simulation tools that enhance the efficiency of automotive paint shops. The collaboration focuses on reducing vehicle development time and costs, thereby boosting manufacturers’ competitiveness and resilience.

Key Benefits:

Cost Efficiency: Potential reduction in costs by up to 30%.

Environmental Impact: Capable of reducing CO2 emissions by nearly 17,000 tons annually for manufacturers producing 300,000 vehicles.

Process Optimization: Enhanced simulation tools to streamline over 20 steps in the paint shop process, including degreasing, electrocoating, and baking.

Industry Impact: Marc Segura, President of ABB Robotics, highlighted the importance of this partnership in accelerating the digital transformation of the automotive industry. Dr. Martin Schifko, CEO of ESS, emphasized the accessibility of advanced digital tools for companies of all sizes, fostering innovation and competitiveness.

ABB ESS paint process simulation
precision paint shop simulation software (image. ABB)

Technological Integration: Customers will benefit from ABB Robotics’ extensive expertise and innovative solutions like PixelPaint and the RB1000i-S atomizer. ESS’s technology will be integrated into ABB’s RobotStudio®, enhancing its capabilities for robotic applications across various platforms.

This collaboration underscores ABB’s commitment to advancing automotive manufacturing efficiency and sustainability through cutting-edge digital solutions.

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