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Robin Zeng Advocates for “Zero-Carbon New Infrastructure” at 2024 World New Energy Vehicle Congress

At the 2024 World New Energy Vehicle Congress held in Haikou, China, Dr. Robin Zeng, delivered a compelling speech emphasizing the importance of building “Zero-Carbon New Infrastructure”.



Dr. Robin Zheng talks about zero-carbon new infrastructure
Dr. Robin Zheng talks about zero-carbon new infrastructure (image. CATL)

At the 2024 World New Energy Vehicle Congress(WNEVC) held in Haikou, China, Dr. Robin Zeng, Chairman and CEO of CATL, delivered a compelling speech emphasizing the importance of building “Zero-Carbon New Infrastructure”. This initiative aims to address climate change by transforming industrial practices and fostering global cooperation.

Zeng highlighted the significant strides China has made in new energy vehicle (NEV) adoption, with NEV retail penetration reaching 51% in July and 54% in August. Despite some skepticism, he underscored that the trend towards vehicle electrification is irreversible, driven by the urgent need to protect the environment.

Extreme weather events worldwide, including over 20 severe floods in China this summer, illustrate the critical need for energy transition. Zeng argued that merely striving to protect the environment is insufficient; the pace of energy transition must accelerate to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.

China has integrated climate change into its national strategy, promoting ecological civilization and economic development. As an innovative technology company, CATL’s vision is to contribute significantly to this new energy transition by proposing the construction of “Zero-Carbon New Infrastructure”.

According to Zeng, this infrastructure should be comprehensive, sustainable, and globally integrated. It involves upgrading existing infrastructure with innovative technologies and new business models to create an efficient, intelligent zero-carbon system. He also emphasized the importance of sustainable development, noting that batteries must be recyclable to avoid creating new environmental issues.

CATL is well-prepared for this challenge, having developed a comprehensive battery lifecycle management system. The company is leading in battery recycling and aims to achieve carbon neutrality across its battery supply chain by 2035.

Zeng concluded by highlighting the global nature of “Zero-Carbon New Infrastructure”, calling for open and cooperative efforts to build a sustainable and reliable global ecosystem. CATL collaborates with global partners to provide patented technology and comprehensive solutions, facilitating rapid and widespread implementation of zero-carbon technologies.

Haikou, known for its environmental quality, plays a crucial role in CATL’s carbon-zero collaboration efforts. CATL aims to achieve comprehensive carbon neutrality across Hainan Island, leveraging local resources and promoting microgrid cooperation.

Zeng expressed confidence in this ambitious project, drawing parallels with Haikou’s historical significance as a hub of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. He envisions Haikou as a key player in the global zero-carbon infrastructure initiative, fostering new levels of cooperation and sustainability.

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