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Terra Drone completes the investment in C-Astral



Terra Drone Corporation (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Toru Tokushige, hereinafter called “Terra Drone”), the world’s leading provider of industrial drone solutions, has completed their investment on Slovenia-based drone manufacturer and integrator, C-Astral Aerospace (hereinafter called “C-Astral”). 

Terra Drone Corporation

C-Astral specializes in the manufacturing high-productivity and high-endurance fixed-wing small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), with a global portfolio of more than 10 years in the commercial, surveying, military and security markets.

Toru Tokushige, CEO of Terra Drone said, “With this investment, C-Astral will provide fixed wing drones with local maintenance support throughout Terra Drone group companies all over the world. Terra Drone also synergizes the technology of C-Astral and will explore new markets such as pipeline monitoring, forest fire detection and surveillance, where C-Astral is already present. With this partnership and C-Astral’s world class technology, we are able to offer tailored solutions for the most demanding applications, that include the whole value chain, from technology to profitable and successful applications.”

■ About Terra Drone Corporation

Terra Drone Corporation is the world’s leading provider of industrial drone solutions established in 2016. The company’s head office is located in Tokyo, Japan, with 20 branches globally throughout APAC, the European Union, and South America. Terra Drone provides innovative drone technologies empowered with LiDAR and photogrammetric surveying methods for construction, electricity, energy, and oil and gas sectors. Terra Drone specializes in high-performance hardware, cutting-edge software, drone services, and drone traffic management systems (UTM).


■ About C-Astral Aerospace

C-Astral is an aerospace solutions provider based in Ajdovscina, Slovenia, the “hub” of advanced aerospace development and integration in Central Europe. The company is a global market leader with an established reputation in the specialized, fixed-wing small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) manufacturing and services field, with a specific focus on high productivity, endurance, surveying, surveillance and remote sensing. C-Astral’s customer base is diversified between the commercial UAS operators, larger institutional networks, scientific users as well as government entities. Currently, C-Astral systems are flying with more than 10 sovereign entities on force protection, border protection, fire control and surveillance operations on five continents and more than 200 commercial and scientific operators globally.

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